WHERE: Jewel Nightclub
WHEN: Saturday, December 31 2016
All patrons must be 21 years of age with valid ID. US residents must bring state or federal issued ID. Foreign residents must have passports. Female tickets can not be exchanged for Male tickets at the door.
JEWEL Nightclub’s door and management reserves all rights. JEWEL Nightclub reserves the right to decline entry of any guest not in proper dress code. JEWEL Nightclub reserves the right to decline entry due to capacity issues, in which event guests will be asked to wait until the door is re-opened. Visibly intoxicated guests will not be admitted to the venue. No minors will be admitted. Any disregard of the aforementioned rules will invalidate your ticket.
Can be described as “upscale chic.” Hats, t-shirts, chains, excessive jewelry, athletic wear, shorts, baggy attire, sunglasses, sandals/flats, and tennis shoes are not permitted
Contact City VIP Concierge at 702.741.2489 or agent@CityVIPConcierge.com for more information.